Our vision
Vision of the
Father's House ministry
The Father's House is a spiritual fortress built on the foundation of our Lord Jesus - Isaiah 28:16 and Isaiah 57:13b.
The LORD wants to build this spiritual fortress into an international 24-hour praise, worship and prayer center. The Father's House is available for times of fasting, intercession, prophetic prayer (gifts of the Spirit) and travail (birthing prayer) and weeping, in particular for the healing of the deep wounds of Israel and the Jewish people, but also for spiritual breakthroughs and healing of the nations.

Image 1
“I saw worshipers from Israel and the Gentiles standing firmly grounded in the Holy Spirit on the sturdy, glass foundation of the Father’s house. The entire earth laid spread out under the glass floor. Someone highlighted Israel, Poland, Germany and other European countries. The Lord's intention was clearly evident in the Spirit that the intercessors in the Father's house should bless these highlighted lands in particular through the glass foundation from the heavenly perspective (Revelation 4). To do this, the Lord placed each of the intercessors outside of their own national identity in the heavenly throne room atmosphere above the glass foundation. This enabled the nation or group of people that were spiritually targeted by the intercessors to be powerfully blessed from His divine perspective.”
Image 2
“I saw in the Spirit thousands of worshipers from the nations gathered around the mountains of Jerusalem, forming a wall of fire around all Jerusalem. Along with this came the impression that the LORD says that we should first call the watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem from all nations and bring them to Jerusalem so that they can be united with the LORD and pray for His purposes for Jerusalem according to Isaiah 62:6-7 and be able to stand up for it.”

Image 3
“As early as April 2002, I saw a cable car in connection with the father's house on the Mount of Olives that was in the process of being built from the already completed valley station in the Berlin area to the mountain station on the Mount of Olives. The mountain station on the Mount of Olives was further rebuilt and the windows were opened on different sides. Strong ropes were stretched from the mountain station to the valley station in the Berlin area and to other cities. In the vision, large spiritual radar screens and satellite tables were installed at the mountain station to receive deep spiritual signals and then transmit them to the valley stations and many other locations throughout the world.”
From the prophetic images and other words from God, we have recognized the following goals and tasks for the service in the Father's house on the Mount of Olives:
Prayer, praise and worship
Unser Grundverständnis ist, dass im Vaterhaus die “Wächter auf den Mauern Jerusalems” (Jesaja 62) aus der himmlischen Position in Jesus Christus (Epheser 2,6) heraus anbeten und für Israel und die Nationen aktiv beten, wie dies im Bild 1 beschrieben wird. Unser Ziel ist, dass 24 Stunden am Tag Geschwister vor dem Herrn an Seinem Altar stehen, Ihm in Anbetung und im Gebet dienen und in der Liebesbeziehung zu Jesus wachsen, wie dies u.a. im Hohelied beschrieben ist.
Building the body of Jesus
As in the days of Nehemiah, we are commissioned to help build the walls of Jerusalem and the spiritual temple. For us, this means supporting the building of the body of Christ among the Jews and Arabs and especially the body of Christ in the land of Israel.
Call watchmen and bring them to Israel
We have the task of calling and bringing other watchmen to the walls of Jerusalem. In practical terms, this means organizing prayer teams and bringing them to the Father's House on the Mount of Olives and then leading them around Jerusalem and through the Land of Israel, as described in Images 2 and 3.
Establishing supply lines
We believe we are called to establish support routes and supply lines to the Father’s house as a base station. The LORD has given an “Anointing of Cyrus” according to Isaiah 45 to establish connections with other ministries in Europe (cableways from the Father's House) with the aim of bringing spiritual and material supplies to the Father's House mountain station in order to distribute them from there throughout Jerusalem and Israel. In accordance with the divine principles, this results in an increased flow of blessings back into the nations.